Friday, June 29, 2007

Its raining again

Yes we had a bad day here today coz its raining here again, and also i feel so bad for having this headache again, whew im always having this headache lately dont know, i wanted to do some cleaning and there are some loundry that i have to finish, until now it still there in the washing machine waiting for me to transfer to the dryer....but i really feel so terrible i dont like to be disrub also. cant even concentrate what i wanted to do. but here i am doing this entry hehehe still manage to write some entry for today but doing the chores is making me so lazy hehehe! hayz i guees i have to get up here and gfet some asipirin.

1 comment:

Utah Mommy said...

Kalami sa imong brownies dae joy ibog ko hehehe.Si Ivy dili jud na pawahi ug kaon sa?hehehe jokes lang Ivs.Imong bugoy kamao na diay na potty akoa kay dili pa kaayo mura man sya malisang akong ibutang iyang potty kay siguro tingala na sya ngano naay buslot ang bangko hehehehe.

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