Sunday, February 10, 2008

When or what?

1.Are you in a complicated love situation?=I dont think so
2.Do you hate more than 3 people?=ZERO
3.The last thing you drank?=water
4.Favorite chocolate bar?=Cadbury fruits and nuts
5.Have you ever tripped someone?= Yes many times
6.How many pairs of shoes do you own?About 20 something
7.Have you ever thrown up in public?= Yeah, when I was young
8.Favorite genre of music? = Many to mention but I really love country and love songs
9.Do you like beer? = Not
10.What are your favorite color(s)? = Baby pink and baby blue
11.Is anyone in love with you?Of course my husband
13.Pepsi or Sprite?= Both
14.How many video games do you own?
15.Does look matters?= It doesn't really matter, because I know we all look the same when we die
16.Are you too forgiving? = Of course!
17.Do you own something from Hottopic? = I don't even know what that is
18.Do you own a gun?= Nope
19.What did you do last night? = Snoring and thats all
20. Nicknames? = Ivy- ivz and ai-ai
21.If you had a super power, what would it be?= to read peoples mind!
22.Are you thinking about somebody right now? = Yeah My mom
23.Ever called somebody Boo? = Nope
24.Are you happy with your life right now? = Absolutely!
25.Do you like your hair?= It's ok
26.Does anyone like you? = I hope so!
27.Last thing you read? = if you meant, books...well,none!
28.Are you afraid of the dark? = Hell yea...
29.Have you ever stripped? = Yea for my husband!
30.Have you ever broken someone’sheart? = Yes I did but only once!
31. Can you cook? = Of course.
32.things that annoy you? = Being interrupted when i am busy
3 . Money or Love? Both how can you live without money?
34.What do you want more than anything right now? = To be a millionaire
35.Do you enjoy scary movies? = Yes but I need someone to sit beside me while watching the movie
36.Marriage Or Live In? Marriage
37.When was the last time you said "ilove you" ? = This morning

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